Dirt. The most common element on Earth after air and water. For a cowboy, Native Soil is a birthright to cherish and protect. Teamwork is a core value; a commitment to better one another. National Pride. A privilege that inspires and emboldens us all.
The ultimate expression of national pride on an international stage, the PBR Global Cup will establish a new world order in rider and fan bragging rights for The Toughest Nation on Dirt.
With a new nation vs. nation team format, Global Cup will settle the score on which country lays claim to the best bull riders in the world. Staged annually across the five competing territories – Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and United States – Global Cup will pit qualifying national team riders against the best of the best in a battle for honor, riches and perhaps most significantly, home dirt.
At each event, the home country will be granted a competitive advantage – twice the number of competitors as the four visiting national teams. On the line will be their piece of the five-part Global Cup trophy, as well as their native soil. Successfully defend from the foreign invaders, and the home country will protect its dirt. Lose, and to the winner will go the spoils.
An ongoing series that will ultimately visit each nation every year, the competition will continue until one nation holds all five pieces of the Global Cup – including the native soil of each competing territory. Thus in the end, only ONE country will lay claim to The Toughest Nation on Dirt.
General Format*
Each participating country – Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States – will host a PBR Global Cup event each year.
Sydney, Australia will host the first Global Cup event of 2018.
The two days of competition on June 9th and 11th, 2018 will proceed as follows:
- Saturday, June 9 - Round 1
- Sunday, June 10 - Championship Round
Australia, as the host-country, will have home-field advantage and feature 14 riders on their rosters. The visiting teams will bring seven of their best.
Each team will be allowed 1 alternate in case of injury.
The prestigious Global Cup Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest aggregate score over the course of the event based off each team's best 14 qualified rides.
Team Qualifications
World Standings Qualfiers
- 3 riders from each corresponding country will qualifie for the 2018 Global Cup based on the World Standings as of the end of the 2017 season
Coaches Pick
- All remaining positions on the team will be chosen by the team coach. The coach will also select 1 rider to serve as an alternate that will participate in the event in case of injury to an existing qualified rider at the event.
Global Cup Competition
Each day of competition will feature the following format with all qualified rides counting toward the final accumulated totals.
- Team Canada: 7 riders
- Team Mexico: 7 riders
- Team Australia: 7 riders
- Team Brazil: 7 riders
- Team Australia: 7 riders
- Team Canada: 7 riders
- Bonus round of 2 riders per territory selected by Coach/Team
The Top 14 qualified rides from each team will be counted toward their aggregate score, with the highest being named the PBR Global Cup event winner.
*These rules are solely for Sydney. Competition format may change based on event.